As Promised…

September 28, 2009 at 3:26 pm (Uncategorized)

My office desk -- snazzy, n'est pas?

My office desk -- snazzy, n'est pas?

Behold I posteth for the masses on the appointed day of the 28th (a Monday). Wonders never cease. I would like to give special thanks to my brother for his kind and inspirational words – without him I believe all of you avid readers might have to wait another week or so. He’s not demanding, he’s my brother… (***NOTE: If you can tell me this song reference, you will win mad street cred. from me….really this should be fairly easy).  


Anyway, I am tired and in need of sleep (in case you could not already tell), so I will keep this short. There has not been very much going on that is terribly interesting. I included a picture of my desk in my office, (an office I share with one of my Korean English teachers). I am pretty proud of the desk though because now it decorated with Delaware pictures. The parental units graciously sent me a map of DE and a UD football magazine — so I ripped out some football pages and along with the map slid it under the glass covering my desk. So, it is pretty fun looking at my desk now — I will try and send another picture later. Everyone now thinks I am football crazy though….but that may not be too far from the truth. Go Bluehens!!


Okay here is the important news: I am going to be gone for three days (tues- thurs) because I have an orientation meeting I have to attend for my company. My internet access may be limited/non-existant. So, if you wish to contact me, then call my cell or just be patient and wait for my return on Friday. If you cannot reach me – fret not, I most likely attending classes (and I will get back to you when I return home). Friday is a holiday (Korean equiv. of Thanksgiving…will explain more later) and then there are midterm exams Oct 6–9. So, it will be a bit of a break period for me.

That is all for now. I am going to bed. So tired~

Looking forward to hearing back from everyone. Best wishes~


  1. DAD said,

    Well, I am impressed by your prompt post, knowing how much stuff you have going on; how did you find time? In any event, great post, and picture. Love that modern-style desk. Very upscale and managerial. Will send more pics and clippings for additions/replacements to desktop. You’ve set the standard now, so pressure will be on for Monday postings. Any chance of a pic of the classroom with your charges? Or the exercise park? The exercise park sounds right up my alley; will definitely try it out, though I would not want to intimidate the locals! 🙂 Do you get there often? I assume it is close by. Do they have gyms or exercise clubs like we do here? I hope I can go running while I visit you; am I likely to get run over crossing the street? By the way, I’m feeling better; ran 5 miles today, so I think I’m back to normal. Hope you get some sleep and rest! Let us know when you can how the orientation goes, and the exam period. Hope you have some time to relax, and to mingle with UD folks. Talk soon. Love, DAD.

  2. mom said,

    Mel, your desk looks so clean and neat! I only wish mine was like that. If you’d like a UDee doll or any beads, just let me know; an office isn’t an office without Blue Hen decorations. LeeAnn Green (Neal’s mom) even has a bobble-head doll of Keeler! Now, if only the team was a little more successful. 2-2 is ok but not great. It’s probably because you’re not in the stands. Another team to watch is the Baltimore Ravens; Flacco is having a great year so far…3 wins, no losses. I’ll have to send you a t-shirt like Will and Savannah wear. Love, Mom

  3. Patti Adams said,

    9-29-09 12:35 pm
    Hi Mel,
    You were true to your word and posted on Monday. I had a Town Hall meeting last night and didn’t get home until after 10 pm. So, I just checked your blog. I really like your desk…very modern and very neat. I always seemed to begin my day with a neat desk but it was usually piled high by the end of the day. I’m glad you are having a few days away from the classroom. Those days can be good for refreshing the brain and refueling your energy. Enjoy and keep posting. Love ya, Uncle Bill, Aunt Pat, Amy, and Molly

  4. Leah said,

    Mel, We are leaving for our trip and I wanted to wish you a “Happy Birthday” before we left!! I wonder if the Korean’s sing “Happy Birthday”, in their language? If so, I hope you get the full treatment if you go out to dinner with your new buddies!!Have a wonderful, special, FUN birthday.We will be thinking of you.


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